Online Dating agency "InterDating-Club" from BlackList

Name: InterDating-Club
Online dating agency description:
online dating agency
They hide the address? We know they are from:24 B Mikhailivs'ka Str. Office 80a, Kiev, , 01001. Country:Ukraine
Do they hide the contact phone number? +38044 278 8363
Our users have indicated their status is: BlackList
On our Data Base from: 2017-06-04
Modified: 2017-06-04

Our users reported:
The Agency is not interested about seriousness of the girls, they are interested only if the lunch/dinner goes well, if the girl hence disappear without any reason they are not responsible.
Our visitors responded to this:
Date:[2017-07-13 01:24:10]    Voted:[1]
This agency lies to clients that some of the girls live in other cities and ask for additional $200 to pay for her travel cost to Kiev, It is all lies, I confirmed it after I paid for this, and later I found out from the girl that she in fact lives in Kiev.

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